IZKF renames the modules of the Clinician Scientist Programme
The IZKF renames the modules of the Clinician Scientist Programme in CSP Step 1 and CSP Step 2.
This change was made due to the start of the BMBF-funded new programme “iIMMUNE – Interfaces in Immunomedicine” under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Beate Winner, Head of the Department of Stem Cell Biology at the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen. The new iIMMUNE funding programme is aimed at researching physicians who have already completed their specialist training – so-called Advanced Clinician Scientists. With this programme, iIMMUNE continues the funding of the Clinician Scientist Programme of the IZKF. The established, two-stage programme will thus be renamed Clinician Scientist Programme – CSP Step 1 (previously Basic Module) and CSP Step 2 (previously Advanced Module).
The “iIMMUNE” programme at the DZI will start at the beginning of 2022. Applications for admission to the Clinician Scientist Programme at the IZKF can be submitted at any time. More information about the IZKF Clinician Scientist Programme.