IZKF Symposium 2022 – Registration is open
The 8th International IZKF Symposium “The Magic M‘s in Modern Medicine” is planned for June 9th and 10th, 2022 in Kloster Banz. The programme committee has again succeeded in composing an attractive programme.
Because of last year’s postponement and only one alternative date in Banz, the new date is unfortunately in the first week of Whitsun holidays. Nevertheless, we hope that many scientists will still be able to participate. However, it is still unclear whether it will be possible to carry out the event as in previous years under the regulations that will apply next year. If this is not the case, the symposium will take place in presence or hybrid in the lecture hall center in Erlangen. A final decision will be made in February / March 2022.
Registration is now open. If possible, please register by January 31, 2022 at the latest. As the number of overnight accommodations is limited on site, early registration is recommended. The registration takes place electronically via the online registration form.
For further information please see our announcement.