Changes in the funding line ELAN
Dear Professor, dear ladies and gentlemen,
The IZKF Management Board has decided on important changes in the IZKF’s ELAN programme on the suggestion of the ELAN -Committee:
- The ELAN funding line will be provided with additional funds; €1.5 million per year will be available in the future
- Subsequent ELAN funding is also available to applicants over the age of 38, provided there is no other project funding in the IZKF. Young scientists and newly appointed researchers continue to enjoy priority when allocating funding. The independent funding line for bridge projects will be discontinued.
- As with IZKF projects, the funding volume for regular ELAN projects (individual projects) will in future be limited to one position (TA or doctoral student with 65%) and € 15,000 for consumables over (as before) 12 months; the strict upper limit of € 60,000 does not apply, younger physicians who submit an ELAN application can also apply for a rotation position for 6 months full-time or 12 months part-time
- For regular ELAN projects, a bonus of one third of the funding amount (max. € 20,000) will be introduced if an application for third-party funding is submitted to an external funding organization with an assessment procedure within the regular project period. The bonus period (period for disbursing the bonus funds) is 6 months.
- access to the special programmes of the IZKF will be extended for project leaders in the ELAN programme, in addition to the travel and publication pool, young scientists will also be able to apply for travel grants in the future
- In addition to individual projects, synergy projects can also be applied for in the future as pilot financing for planned joint projects with a maximum volume of € 200,000 per project by 3-6 applicants from at least three different institutions. There is no age limit for applicants in synergy projects. Participation of individual applicants is also possible with existing IZKF funding.
The new regulations apply to all new projects to be submitted. For project proposals that have already been submitted, there is a transition period up to the end of 2022 at the latest, during which the earlier regulations (in particular with regard to the application volume) can still apply.
Please note the general application requirements for ELAN projects:
ELAN pilot projects provide particular funds for junior researchers from the entire Faculty of Medicine, as start-up, pilot and/or interim funding for a period of up to 12 month as well as for pilot funding for synergy projects (max. 24 months).
(i) in advance of planned third-party funded projects (start-up funding),
(ii) for developing working groups (support for young researchers),
(iii) for new innovative projects (pilot projects),
(iv) as interim funding in case of time gaps between individual funding periods (bridging projects) or
(v) as funding for planned synergy projects.
Applications can be submitted by young researchers with a doctorate (without leadership). At least one original publication as first author in a peer-reviewed journal is necessary. Funding is primarily available to applicants who have not yet reached the age of 38 at the time of application, as well as newly appointed professors without leadership (usually within the first two years of taking office). Maternity leave, parental leave and care periods extend that limit. Additional funds are also available for applicants outside the age limit without a management function. FThere is no age limit or non-executive restriction on Synergy projects.
No more than one application may be funded in the ELAN program at any given time. Simultaneous funding in another project funding instrument of the IZKF or through the Marohn Foundation is not possible. Funding in the ELAN and Junior Projects can, however, be used one after the other. Exceptions to this rule are the synergy projects, which can also be applied for in parallel with other IZKF funding.
Applicants must be employed at the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen or the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg at an institute of the Faculty of Medicine at the latest at the time of approval. For regular ELAN projects, only one person can be named per application; for synergy projects, there must be 3-6 applicants from at least three different institutions.
Applications for individual projects must be submitted using the ELAN tool; Applications for synergy projects by e-mail to the IZKF office ( There is no fixed deadline for submitting project proposals for regular ELAN projects. Applications for synergy projects may be submitted twice per year; the deadline is January 15th and July 15th. The ELAN-Committee makes the funding decision for regular ELAN projects at its meetings; an external review usually takes place parallel to the internal review. The external assessment of the synergy projects is ensured by the Scientific Advisory Board of the IZKF.
The (new) application templates are available on the IZKF (ELAN) homepage.
If there are questions, please contact the IZKF Administrative Office (Ms. Reichel -46843).
Kind regards
Prof. Dr. M. Wegner
Chairmen of the IZKF
Dr. Katrin Faber
IZKF-Administrative Office
Phone 09131/ 85-46841
Fax 09131/ 85-35903