Winner of the IZKF Publication Award 2023 – Award ceremony at the Postgraduate Workshop on October 12, 2023

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We are pleased to announce the winner of this year’s IZKF Publication Award.

A total of 19 applications from young scientists were sent to the IZKF administrative office. The Junior Scientist Committee and members of the Management Board selected one of this.

The winner is: Dr. Florian Krach from the Department of Stemm Cell Biology with the publication “An alternative splicing modulator decreases mutant HTT and improves the molecular fingerprint in Huntington’s disease patient neurons”.

Krach F, Stemick J, Boerstler T, Weiss A, Lingos I, Reischl S, Meixner H, Ploetz S, Farrell M, Hehr U, Kohl Z, Winner B, Winkler J. An alternative splicing modulator decreases mutant HTT and improves the molecular fingerprint in Huntington’s disease patient neurons. Nat Commun. 2022 Nov 10;13(1):6797. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34419-x. PMID: 36357392; PMCID: PMC9649613.

The official ceremony will take place on October 12th during the IZKF Postgraduate Workshop in Erlangen (Hörsaalzentrum). The awardee will also give a short lecture during this event, presenting the awarded work and current data based on it.

Congratulations to Dr. Florian Krach!

Furthermore, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants.