
Project applications for IZKF funding can be submitted until 27.04.2022. Please note the fill-in instructions of the respective documents when submitting. The entire project outline should not be longer than 5 pages (without cover page). The Research Profile has been updated: In case of maternity/parental leave within the last 5 years, the period for publications/funding can be extended accordingly.

Category: Allgemein

On May 9, starting at 11:00 a.m., the colloquium for junior projects will take place in the Harald-zur-Hausen Lecture Hall, followed by a peer review meeting. The applicants will be informed about the results of the meeting in due time. The approved projects will be funded with one staff position and consumables for a period of 30 months.

Category: Allgemein

Project applications for IZKF funding can be submitted until 27.04.2022. All members of the Faculty of Medicine with an affiliation to an institution of Universitätsklinikum Erlangen or the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg are invited to apply.

Category: Allgemein

The publication price is aimed at all young researchers in the Faculty of Medicine up to a maximum of 38 years at the time of publication. Applications must be submitted electronically to the IZKF administrative office by 31th March 2022 at the latest.

Category: Allgemein

The IZKF newsletter will be published twice a year from now on and will report news from the board, the junior staff and the administrative office. Also feel free to contact us at if you have news for publication.

Category: Allgemein

The IZKF renames the modules of the Clinician Scientist Programme in CSP Step 1 and CSP Step 2. This change was made due to the start of the BMBF-funded new programme "iIMMUNE - Interfaces in Immunomedicine" under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Beate Winner, Head of the Department of Stem Cell Biology...

Category: Allgemein