
The winner of the IZKF Publication Award has now been selected. The IZKF administrative office received a total of 22 applications from young scientists by the end of February, of which the Junior Scientist Committee has now selected one.

Category: Allgemein

In October, the IZKF Board had decided to postpone the 8th IZKF-Symposium from 2021 to 2022. The new date has now been fixed: The symposium will take place from 09 to 11 June 2022 in Kloster Banz in Bad Staffelstein.

Category: Allgemein

In the future, there will be two Junior Research Groups per year within the IZKF. The funding volume and application requirements have been redefined. Applications for the current call for proposals can be submitted to the IZKF adminstrative office until 15.11.2020.

Category: Allgemein

The IZKF calls for applications for the Publication Award for Young Scientists which is endowed with 1.000 €. The publication award is intended for all junior scientists of the Faculty of Medicine up to a maximum of 38 years at the time of publication. For the price to be awarded next year, the p...

Category: Allgemein