
Date: 12. October 2023Time: 12:15 – 18:00Location: Hörsaalzentren der Medizin, Erlangen

12:15 Welcome and Introduction

12:20 –12:50
Prof. Dr. Kristian Franze
Institute of Medical Physics and MicrotissueEngineering
Facultyof Medicine, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
The mechanical regulation of nervous system development and regeneration

12:50 –15:05
Poster Session

15:05 –15:15

15:15 –16:00
Prof. Dr. Beck-Sickinger
Professor of Biochemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry
Faculty of Life Sciences Leipzig University
Immobilisationand controlled release of therapeutic peptides

16:00 –16:45
Flash Talks

16:45 –17:00
Presentation by the Publication Award winner

17:00 –17:15

17:15 –17.45
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kist
Department forArtificialIntelligencein Biomedical Engineering (AIBE)
Technical Faculty, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Bytes & Biomarkers: Charting AI's Path in Clinical Research

17:45 –18:00
Awardingof Poster prizewinners

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Event Details

12. October 2023
12:15 – 18:00

Hörsaalzentren der Medizin, Erlangen

Event Categories:
GRK Termine