IZKF Erlangen
The IZKF was founded in 1996 under the leadership of Prof. Joachim Kalden with the focus “Inflammatory Processes: Aetiopathogenesis, Diagnostics and Therapy”. It was established as an interactive research network of the Faculty of Medicine with scientific projects, several core units and two junior research groups. Aims were to foster clinical research, to promote young scientists and to increase transparency and competitiveness of fund allocation through peer review procedures. During the first 8 years (1996-2004) it received regressive funding from the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology within the programme “Health related research 2000”. Since 2004 it has been fully funded by the Faculty of Medicine and the University. Under the leadership of Prof. André Reis, the initial scientific focus on inflammation research has been further developed to accommodate other focal research areas and interdisciplinary fields of the Faculty as well. This allows nearly all institutions of the Faculty of Medicine to file applications with IZKF.
The IZKF offers research grants in all focal research areas of the Faculty of Medicine
- Immunology and infection research
- Renal and vascular research
- Neurosciences
- Tumor research
In addition, the acquisition of extramural funding has become a central aim of project funding.
International IZKF-Flyer “IZKF – Impulsgeber für die Universitätsmedizin” |
duz SPECIAL “Brückenschlag zwischen Labor und Klinik” |