Call for proposals: Junior Projects 2023
Erlangen, 13th December 2022
Dear Professor, dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please find attached the call for proposals for the IZKF Junior Projects 2023. By 06.03.2023, applications from young junior researchers with a good innovative project idea on all research areas of the Faculty of Medicine can be submitted to the IZKF. A clinical connection (preferably direct and/or translational) is necessary.
Application requirements:
- Physicians, scientists and psychologists from institutes of the Faculty of Medicine within the university hospital or the FAU, who completed their doctorate
- Up to 35 years old (cut-off date: 01.01.2023/ times of childcare are credited as a lump sum – that means without proof of actual childcare periods – women: counted with two years per child, men: counted with one year per child. Additional times for childcare for men and women can be taken into account if proof is provided, for men and women)
- Project specific preliminary work has to be already performed
- At least one original publication as first author is necessary, published in an acknowledged journal
- No own approved third-party funded projects of established funding agencies (DFG, BMBF, EU, IZKF, foundations) [An approved funding as an applicant or co-applicant excludes the proposal submission for the IZKF – Junior Project Programme. Proposals, which are verifiably used for the financing of the own position, including scholarships, are excluded. If there are any ambiguities regarding the funding permissions, please contact the IZKF Administrative Office. The review board decides about the approval of marginal cases.]
- whose own position is secured for the entire duration of the junior project and is financed at least 25% from the department budget/ from a permanent position or free third-party funds/ program lump sum
- Support letter of the head of the department
The volume for junior projects includes a position for a technician or a postgraduate (E13, 65%) and consumables up to € 15k p.a., which can be applied for project-specific consumables, equipment and livestock costs over a funding period of 30 months. In addition, physicians may apply for a rotation position for up to 12 months full-time or up to 24 months part-time (50%). The use of funds from the travel, publication and high-tech pool is also possible if the project receives funding. It is expected that physicians applying for the first-time applicant programme will participate in the Clinician Scientist Program Module Step 2) from the beginning of the grant. For doctoral candidates at the IZKF, there is an obligation to participate in the IZKF Research Training Group and in Life@FAU.
The junior project programme is designed to enable successful applicants to prepare and submit their first own application to an external funding agency within a 30-month funding period. If this succeeds at the latest after the expiry of 30 months and the approved funds have not yet been fully spent, a cost-neutral term extension of 6 months (bonus period) can be granted on request. A regular extension of the project duration is excluded.
Junior projects are subject to a one-stage internal review only. Full proposals are reviewed by the Management Board, the ELAN commission and the junior scientist committee based on a written proposal and public presentation at the colloquium on 08.05.2023. The applicants will then be informed promptly about the result of the review. For the junior projects, a flexible start of funding between 01.07.2023 and 01.01.2024 is possible.
As mentioned above, project applications must be uploaded to the IZKF application tool no later than March 6th, 2023, midnight. You will find the link to the application tool as well as information about registration and submission of your application on the IZKF homepage. The application tool will be open from 01.01.2023 for the processing and submission of applications in the junior project programme 2023. Prior registration of the applicant in the application tool is possible.
A full proposal in English (proposal junior project) must be submitted together with a research profile and the confirmation of the institution’s director (clinic, institute, department) about the project’s support (with a commitment to laboratory capacity). In addition, some information has to be entered directly in the tool. The formal requirements (use of the attached template for project applications in the junior projects programme, also available as download on the IZKF homepage) are binding.
You can also find the call for proposals and the application documents on the homepage of the IZKF at
Please forward this announcement to interested junior scientists of your clinic / department / institute.
For further information please contact the IZKF Administrative Office (Dr. Faber – 46841 or Ms. Reichel -46843).
Kind regards
Prof. Dr. M. Wegner
Chairman of the IZKFContact:
Dr. rer. pol. Katrin Faber
IZKF Administrative Office
Telefon +49 9131/ 85-46841
Fax +49 9131/