Call for proposals – Advanced Projects 2022
Call for proposals – Advanced Projects 2022
Dear Professor, dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
in preparation for the review by the External Scientific Advisory Board of the IZKF on 21./22.11.2022 in Erlangen, the IZKF asks for the submission of clinically relevant project applications for funding in the IZKF to all main research areas of the Faculty of Medicine until 27.04.2022 24 clock.
Eligible to apply are all members of the Faculty of Medicine with an affiliation to an institute of the University Hospital Erlangen or the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Members of other faculties may act as co-applicants. If there is ongoing funding in the Jochen-Kalden-funding programme, it is not possible to apply for an IZKF project. Up to 3 applicants from the same or from different institutions can appear per project. For each individual applicant, a scientific contribution to the project, recognizable from the work programme, and a corresponding scientific qualification in the form of:
- two original publications as first or last author in the last 5 years (2017-2021) and
- a third-party funded project running in the application year (2022) from an external funding agency with a LOM-factor of at least 2 ((DFG, assessed federal and state funding (z.B. BMBF), EU, Bayerische Forschungsstiftung/ Bayerische Landesstiftung, Dt. Stiftung für Herzforschung, Else-Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung, German-Israelian-Foundation (GIF), Humboldt-Stiftung, José-Carreras-Stiftung, Mildred-Scheel-Stiftung/ Deutsche Krebshilfe, NIH-Grants, Novartis Stiftung, Thyssen-Stiftung, Volkswagen Stiftung, Wilhelm-Sander-Stiftung)
are required.
The number of project proposals for internal pre-evaluation permitted in the current application period is limited to 1 project per applicant. Please note that the IZKF requires that the applicant’s own position is secured for the entire duration of the IZKF project and at least 25% is financed from the department budget/ from a permanent position or free third-party funds/ program lump sum.
For each individual project (one institution involved), 1 staff position can be applied for. The requested project volume may not exceed the equivalent of a PhD position (65% E13) or MTA position as well as material costs of € 15,000 pa. For the financing of business trips, publication costs, microarrays and Next Generation Sequencing or others, pooled funds are available for the funded projects. For doctoral candidates at the IZKF, there is an obligation to participate in the IZKF Research Training Group and in Life@FAU.
For tandem projects (joint project application from at least 2 institutions), 2 staff positions and up to € 35,000 consumables p.a. can be requested in total. The application for a second postgraduate position (instead of MTA) is expressly desired.
The term of IZKF projects is basically 30 months. An extension of another 6 months will be made if, for the project being processed, a funding application is submitted to an external funding agency with a LOM-factor of at least 2 and reported to the IZKF Administrative Office. The work programme should cover the entire possible funding period of 36 months. The approved projects will have a flexible start of funding between 01.01.2023 and 01.07.2023. For tandem projects, the end of the project is determined depending on the recruitment of the second project employee (whose beginning + 30 months, but not more than 36 months after the start of work of the 1st project employee).
The regulations of the IZKF require a two-stage assessment. As a first step, project outlines can be submitted, which will be evaluated by the (extended) management board with the participation of the Junior Scientist Committee. The internal written evaluation will be followed by an application colloquium in which all projects assessed as eligible or conditionally eligible will present their project orally as the basis for the final internal assessment. The application colloquium was scheduled for July 18 and 19, 2022 (exact procedure and location to be announced). Immediately after the application colloquium, the applicants will be informed about the result of the internal evaluation. Following this, the actual project application must be formulated by those who have successfully completed the internal procedure (submission to the IZKF Administrative Office until 19.09.2022). The proposal will then be evaluated by the external Scientific Advisory Board. As already mentioned at the beginning, the assessment will take place in Erlangen on November 21st and 22nd, 2022 (exact procedure and location will be announced).
The project outlines, including a research profile of all applicants and co-applicants, must be uploaded to the IZKF application tool by no later than April 27, 2022, as mentioned above. In addition, some information must be additionally recorded (see “Overview documents Advanced Projects”). The platform will be activated for entry on 01.01.2022. The formal requirements (use of templates for project proposals and research profiles) are binding.
Please forward this call for proposals to interested scientists from your institutions. Detailed information and the templates for the current call can be found on our homepage at
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the IZKF Administrative Office (Dr. Faber, phone 46841 or Ms. Reichel, phone 46843).
Yours sincerely
Prof. Dr. M. Wegner
Chairman of the IZKFContact:
Dr. Katrin Faber
IZKF Administrative Office
Phone 09131/ 85-46841
Fax 09131/