Call for proposals – bridging projects
Dear Professor,
dear Ladies and Gentleman,
At its meeting on 11th December 2018, the IZKF-Management Board decided to establish a new programme in the IZKF, which is intended to close a gap in the IZKF’s previous funding offers. The programme is aimed at scientists who conduct independent research and, as members of the scientific staff and integrated W2 professorships, do not have basic material and personnel resources beyond their own position and finance their research predominantly through third-party funding. It is intended to prevent situations from arising in the absence of expected funding in which personnel positions cannot be extended or in which the entire independent research is endangered.
In cases where the respective institution is not in a position to do so, the bridging projects should enable a temporary bridging of a precarious situation with the aim of ensuring research continuity of experienced, independently researching scientists for a temporary period in an emergency (rejected application for third-party funding) with a good prospect of timely acquisition of new external third-party funding. The application can be made at any time and in a timely manner after the precarious situation has arisen.
Eligible are
- Physicians, natural scientists and psychologists with completed doctorates from clinics, institutes and departments of the entire Faculty of Medicine without age limit,
- Applicants who have already carried out independent research over a longer period of time and can demonstrate successful third-party funding in the past (at least 2-fold LOM-listed funding provider), but currently have no corresponding third-party funding and no IZKF funding, and who are generally employed indefinitely and/or integrated W2 professors,
- Applicants who have currently submitted an application for third-party funding to a funding agency listed at least twice by LOM, which has narrowly failed, and whose timely re-submission is possible on the part of the third-party funding provider and intended by the applicant
- and whose request is supported by the head of the institution, without the possibility of the bridging being covered by the funds of the institution concerned.
- A renewed application is only possible if the re-submission of the third-party funding application was successful as a result of the first bridging funding.
The requested funding volume for bridging projects should not exceed 50 T€ for a period of approx. 6 months and may include personnel and material resources. It is not intended to hire new staff, in particular doctoral candidates. The additional use of central funds from the travel, publication and high-tech pool of the IZKF is not possible.
The evaluation of the submitted applications takes place in a one-step procedure by the ELAN Commission with the participation of external experts. The following documents are required to apply for a bridging project:
- Proposal for bridging funding in English
- CV of applicant (research profile)
- Confirmation of head of institution (form with explanation)
- Submitted rejected third-party funding application with reviewers’ comments
Applications must be submitted by email (
The call for proposals and the application documents can also be found on the homepage of the IZKF at
For further information please contact the administrative office of the IZKF (Dr. Faber – 46841) or the research consultant of the Faculty of Medicine (Prof. Schiebel – 24604).
Yours sincerely
Prof. Dr. M. Wegner
Prof. Dr. Katrin Schiebel
Phone 09131/ 85-24604
Dr. Katrin Faber
Phone 09131/ 85-46841